This is not the beginning the middle or the end.
By Anonymous
I was getting better, better each day. Made, thought I’d made a big improvement. Went up went down. Apologised explained tried. Even thought I’d made a friend, but apparently friends have to be vetted now. As long as he is in charge of every single moment. I am his Queen…. be careful of longing for financial security, it seems the cost is higher than love and honesty.
I am not victim I am survivor
By Anonymous
I am from a half broken family. I always saw my parents fighting. My father abusing my mother etc. When I was 9 years old I was sexually harassed by one of my elder cousins more than 2 times. But I escaped and told my mother and stayed silent because she knew that my father’s family will not believe me. Since then I stayed brutally broken and depressed. I tried to commit suicide once and stayed unconscious for a week but survived. I was diagnosed with severe depression when I was 18 years old. At the age of 20 I was bullied for being depressed. These bullies helped me a lot to fight against depression. I tried hard to stand alone. I practiced to stand alone. Because I experienced a lot to get the result that I have to stand alone. There is no escape.
My Struggle
By Jordan Vine
For nearly a year I have struggled. Struggled to do the right thing, struggled to get out of bed and struggled to paint a fake smile which is on 1 in 4 people we all know. I’ve been on antidepressants and had support workers etc. And although I’m not nearly the person I used to be, I’ve made some large steps by doing the simplest of things. And the biggest thing I’ve done, is taking that 1st step going to my GP.
One day, sooner than you think, you’re going to be that old you. The you that you love. The you everybody loves.
It does get better.
#1in4 #MentalHealthAwareness
Bipolar Long Term Remission
By Anonymous
35 years ago I was given a diagnosis of bipolar and was ill, they said I had a chemical imbalance and would have to have drugs all my life, I was on and off for years and now I’m fine drug free and healthy, I have a special eating program that Kelly brogan md has and knows all about. I’m well so it works. no gluten or grains and sugar free, I live plant based and seafood and meat and nuts and seeds and healthy fats and fruit, thats me done and very well. extreme diet for extreme illness, blood sugars level and eat all day low carb my mind has never been so clear and so worth the eating plan, as my health is the most important thing I own and we all have a choice to get well or stay on the pills.