By Jane Gadd
I am but a stitch in time
One dot spot on life’s tapestry
Twisted threads colour me mine
Pan out to reveal profound mystery
Circles of people, do I choose?
Or do they step out to entertain?
Do my thoughts interfere or fuse
With history as I see joy and pain?
Last night was new
A different view
A succession of films of one life
Each film layered over the last
A blonde girl, woman, wife
Snapshots over time very fast
I feel I am viewing through eyes
Of the one’s who loved her still
And then I am shown they are all
The IRIS pulling open the pupil.
We are pebbles thrown around
On waves of love and light
That smooth the edges round
Soft and warm we hold on tight
I plead for colour as respite
And given orange filter view
I’m disappointed and for more fight
View close people in two’s
Face gazing, over and over again
Different guys, same expressions
Up close trying to explain
Giving someone loved their impressions.
The out again to circle view
And Vincent and Seurat colour
Couples are flashes, dashes not dots, new
Orange and gold background pour
Forth as one wide, moving wave
More colour here come blue
A sunset on sea, remember and save
A prayer answered there’s more for you
And now the blessing sleep has come
Drift into oblivion
Take comfort that you love’s not lost
It’s stored and harvested and kept
They hold, bind love, waves are tossed
All around us while we’ve slept.