By Jake Cox No more Keep laughing Keep mocking me Keep pushing me You’ll see You’ll get what’s coming to you I can’t take these voices anymore I can’t take you living inside me anymore For too long now you’ve done everything you could Everything to destroy me You’ve taken Continue Reading
Mental illness matters
By Jake Cox Over the last few days I’ve seen so much positivity come from Mental Health Awareness Week. So much love has been shown from complete strangers to those who are struggling. Whenever I see someone struggling or reaching out I have no hesitation in messaging that person because Continue Reading
Poem: The end
By Jake Cox I thought I’d got rid of you, yet here you are again trying to force your way back to me trying to feed off my pain but I promised myself that you had gone. I try and put you in my past But you never leave, always Continue Reading
Anxiety, why me?
By Jake Cox As I write this, this week is mental health awareness week. For the entire week, I will be posting a poem or quote that I have written. On Friday, I will be taking part in the Messy4mind challenge to raise money for a great cause, I will Continue Reading
On Mental Health: Late night poetry
By JD On Mental Health When I’m high and when I’m low, sometimes my brain doesn’t know where to go. Searching for something, even a trace, I know it’s there but cannot place. A sense of peace or maybe a piece, of part of me that feels erased. Not Continue Reading
Don’t allow the dark moments to take over
By Jake Cox I hope that this finds someone who is having a tough time at the moment and it helps you rediscover yourself. Don’t allow the dark moments to take you over because once you rediscover the light you can take yourself back from the thoughts and feelings. Please Continue Reading
Rainbow – A Poem
By Sophie Ann Arching over the small town A blue sky turned grey prayers quickly spoken to the Almighty A lost beauty within the hearts of all A crying cloud dampened the moods further into the mud ground not a smiled shared within those dear until the rainbow, like clockwork, Continue Reading
Modern Day Living
By Darren And in the town where we were, its living had so little But the tears kept us strong and the time kept us weak I knew your song but had mine to make In the space between your giving, did you find time to listen? To see the Continue Reading