Suicide, a word that turns my stomach when I hear it, it’s of the biggest causes of death. Many of us experience the loss of someone to suicide.
The guilt of the innocent
By Giles Addison There’s an aspect of Bipolar Disorder that is acute and cannot be muted by medications. I live with it every single day, because I know the worry and fear that I have caused, time and time again. I know the worry and fear I will undoubtedly cause Continue Reading
We are the NHS and we have a problem
By Anonymous No one gets it. They don’t seem to understand the impact caring for others is having on my well-being. There is a distinct, lack of well-being right now. Where is the support? I don’t feel like a dismissal of my feelings and my emotional and anxious state is Continue Reading
Six Healthy Coping Techniques
By Patrick Bailey Learning to practice healthy coping techniques can prepare you to tackle any mental health challenge that comes your way. Stress and being overwhelmed can sometimes drain your physical and mental energy or cause you to respond in unhealthy ways. This is normal behavior if you are not Continue Reading
Starting to get somewhere
By Frances Beck What a week it’s been this week I’m feeling like we’re starting to get somewhere at last. Tuesday saw Conor’s good friend and my now partner in crime, Stephanie, and myself, at the Scottish parliament in Edinburgh. Here we mixed with MSPs, government officials, staff and supporters Continue Reading
Beginning of a mental breakdown…
By Ronelle Prins For the past few months I’ve been trying to get back into blogging about my stories and past I have yet to share with you all. Instead, I have been working on others stories and books, avoiding the inevitable. Not because I don’t want to, but I Continue Reading
Five Tips To Beat Male Postpartum Depression
By Scott Watson Postpartum depression affects up to 25% of men after the birth of a child and is a cause of male suicides. My descent in to the depressing time of the ‘baby blues’ actually started two months before my baby daughter’s birth. Pre/postnatal depression had a terrifying hold Continue Reading
My Borderline Mother
By Jessica Evans For the child of a mother who has Borderline Personality Disorder or BPD, life can be a roller coaster ride. Except it’s the scariest ride of your life, it’s almost impossible to get off, and it never seems to end. I’ve written about what it’s like to Continue Reading
On Mental Health: Late night poetry
By JD On Mental Health When I’m high and when I’m low, sometimes my brain doesn’t know where to go. Searching for something, even a trace, I know it’s there but cannot place. A sense of peace or maybe a piece, of part of me that feels erased. Not Continue Reading