How running saved me

By Hannah Gration These last few months have been a rollercoaster of emotions, but one thing has saved me from myself: running.  This is how running saved me. I have suffered from depression, an eating disorder and Emotionally Unstable Personality Disorder from the age of 12.  However these various conditions Continue Reading

Suicide and the ones left behind

By Lana Cheaito Hood People around me committing suicide made my eyebrows fall out.  Obviously this wasn’t the most standout part of the events, or the most difficult to deal with.  But let me just tell you, having an ugly crying face is one thing.  Having an ugly crying face Continue Reading

Work and us…. loving the depressed

By Anonymous Work.  That thing that sometimes just has to give.  Looking after a child and supporting someone else with depression takes time and energy.  It is worth every evening of bath time, every moment of cuddling, every time of just giving space.  If it has to, then work can Continue Reading

Suicide Prevention

By Christopher Naylor Suicide Watch It can be good for someone with a history of mental illness to seek treatment from either a psychiatrist or a psychologist, especially if their GP has referred them for treatment. However, it’s very difficult for even a specialist to assess a person if they Continue Reading

You never forget your first time – why I have unending respect for those who suffer from panic attacks

By Tom Wavre If you suffer from panic attacks you will know how debilitating and frightening they really can be.  I didn’t know.  I didn’t understand.  Until I had my first one. You never forget your first time I was out with people from work before a sales meeting.  I’ve Continue Reading