Just Hold On – Remembering Chester

By Tina Blacksmith I remember listening to Linkin Park every day.  I would sing along with Mike because it was easier than singing with Chester.  Then as I got older, I stopped listening to them and found other bands.  So when I saw the headline on July 20th, it was Continue Reading

I’ve been telling big, fat lies – Seeming well, not feeling well

By Jody Elford I haven’t posted on my blog in ages and ages.  I felt I didn’t need to.  But I’ve been seeming well, not feeling well. Truth be told, I forgot all about it, until this morning when Facebook group One in Four (here) posted an invitation for people Continue Reading

Surviving mental illness

By Samuel Cridland Everyone knows growing up is tough.  Unfortunately growing up is tougher for some than it is for others, particularly those of us who are surviving mental illness.  Through my teenage years I found it incredibly difficult to survive in the education system, due to the social groupings Continue Reading

My mother spoke to me through my thoughts. My bipolar journey (part 1)

By Joe Doyle My father, Hugh Anthony Doyle, met Kathleen O’Meara, daughter of Joseph O’Meara, around 1974.  My father moved to her home town, Newcastle, County Down, and married her on Sunday 12th September 1976.  I was born Anthony Joseph Doyle on March 26th 1978.  My mother died on April Continue Reading

WTF Is Normal Anyway?!?!

By Dan Briggs I’ve tried to make a conscious effort to stop using the word ‘normal’, because what does it actually mean?  What is normal?  And who decides it?  Because I have depression, am I somehow abnormal? For too many years my depression defined me.  I was made to feel Continue Reading

The Mental Health Denial

By Katrina Bruni As a nation, we are improving our awareness of mental health.  Digital media has thankfully played a positive part in this, and we are able to spread the message more widely and independently.  But for years, mental health denial has persisted.  Mental health has been covered up, Continue Reading