INC.com – Shawn Achor, Author Of ‘The Happiness Advantage’ Shares 5 Things You Need To Be Happy
I’ve been a fan of Shawn Achor since I saw his Ted Talk, here he shares 5 tips that can help boost your level of happiness
Healthy Place – Building Your Bipolar Coping Skills Toolbox for Bad Days
Having tools that work for you is vital, be sure to identify what is best for you and try to use those when it is most important
The Mighty – Tips for Helping a Loved One Seek Mental Health Care, From the Person Who Helped Me
When you suffer from mental illness, having support around you is vital, but knowing how to help someone who is suffering is not always that easy
Open Forest – An Expert Shares 5 Things You Can Do on the Spot to Alleviate Anxiety
Knowing what to do when anxiety starts to take over is vital in controlling its effects on you. Hopefully some of the tips here you can out in to practice in real life
The Mighty – When the Fear of Anxiety Comes From ‘What Ifs’
“To all those out there struggling with the same battle, or any battle for that matter, you are not alone. You can win.”

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