When you try to be everything to everyone, and it’s too much

By Elli Hi, my name is Elli and I am a recovering people pleaser. I want to make other people happy, which always seemed like a good goal to have. However, this well-intentioned aim got me into hot water. I was trying to be everything to everyone. About ten years ago, Continue Reading

Heartbreaks can be valuable for depressives

By Alan D.D. I can foresee the bad looks coming as soon as this is published. If you’re your worst enemy and fight your mind every day, why would you want to feel a heartbreak? What good could it do to someone mentally and emotionally unstable? I can understand the Continue Reading

Self-Care Ideas for Different Stages in Recovery

By Amysboardlineworld Self-care is something that is found everywhere in the media at the moment, and rightly so. I too, am always talking or writing about it, and I read regular posts and articles about it all the time. The Blurt Foundation are an excellent example of self-care advocates, and Continue Reading

But you don’t look unwell… and other short stories

By Lou Bell But you don’t look unwell I am a mum and a wife. I have ADHD and ASD, and some of my children have inherited these conditions as well. Every day is a battle. A battle to stay calm, to stay focused and to stay positive… and that’s Continue Reading

Owning your Anxiety

By Anon When you hear about mental health problems, the stigma instantly makes you think bad things. However, when I’ve opened up to my friends about my struggles with anxiety, their first response is ‘Oh, but you seem like you’ve got it together.’ Owning my anxiety helps me cope. A Continue Reading